Psychometric testing is nothing new, despite its fairly recent emergence into modern day candidate selection processes. It‘s been implemented as an objective way of measuring role compatibility for the last 100 years, but we can trace its origins back to 1822.

So what exactly is psychometric testing?

In short, a psychometric test is a series of seemingly random questions that help to assess an individual’s cognitive ability, whilst also gauging key personality traits. Having such a valuable insight into each applicant can drastically improve the likelihood of finding them a suitable role.

But should we reserve this means of testing for candidates alone?

At ACJ Search, we recognised that psychometric tests could also provide a framework for the work we do on behalf of our corporate customers. By gathering a general consensus of the company’s culture, understanding the individual personalities of decision makers, and analysing the requirement for specific skill sets and personality types, we can get a much clearer sense of what the suitable candidate might look like, and this helps us to make our selection more accurate.

So what system do we use?

ACJ Search has partnered with McQuaigs, an online testing platform that enables us to:

  • Find the right candidates
  • Reduce turnover
  • Identify potential challenges and work to remedy them
  • Improve professional development
  • Benchmark the needs and requirements of each role within an organisation

Of course, we only use this information as a tool or benchmark in our resourcing process. We firmly believe that time, research, and relationship-building are the most important ways of finding the right fit. Both parties need to trust our process, be open to possibilities and feel that we are invested in their future success. If you would like to know more about how we work with our customers, get in touch with us.